About The Author

Delicate Adventures creator Pete Glanting is a San Francisco native (though he adamantly claims he’s a Baron in “the old country”.) Pete attended City College of San Francisco before transferring to the University of California, Davis, where he received a BA in English, then went on to get his MFA in Sequential Arts from the California College of the Arts. He’s worked as an illustrator for Campari, Cynar, Aperol, and other companies, as well as working as a copywriter. He currently lives Portland, Oregon with his fiancée.

Why Eggs?

I’m not sure if they lose any caché if I demystify them, or if they even had any to begin with, but the eggs are a combination of a few ideas, the first of which started in math class when in my zeal to learn elementary algebra, I doodled a race of androgynous, 16th century Spaniards, thinking that I could draw other historical figures in this genderless form as well. Somehow this idea faded into obscurity and I went back to studying math, though I still managed to do very poorly in the course.

Another idea came when I was avoiding eye contact on the bus and I noticed a sticker of a well drawn car with what looked like an M&M driving. Thinking about that M&M at home stirred passionate feelings within me, as all M&Ms do, and the historical figures idea came again, but also quickly left.

As time went on I matured like a box of marshmallow Peeps in a neglected Easter basket, but my thirst to put clothes on things went unslaked by dressing my cats up, and it was hard to find tiny articles of clothing. One day, half way between consciousness and a licentious dream, I started to draw eggs in class (I think Art History) and for some reason I did well in my classes and I continued with the eggs. At this point I guess it’s just a habit.

One goal I had in drawing these boiled down figures was to portray them objectively rather than subjectively. However, I’ve heard that complete objectivity is impossible, so the loss of subjectivity betraying forms is a step in the direction that I want to go.

Anyway, thank you for looking and I’ll try to make it worth your while. I welcome requests and if you have someone you don’t like, give me a description and I’ll turn ’em into a particularly unflattering egg. If you’ve enjoyed delicate adventures, please consider subscribing, and leaving a comment.

24 Responses to “ABOUT”

  1. Pete, Well Done !!!!!Mom

  2. Dude, your eggs rock the house, swaying gently back and forth on their round bottoms. I especially like the Botticelli’s Venus. Throw classical painting references my way and I am a happy camper. Keep up the whole you being awesome thing!

  3. Regina Phalangie Says:

    Does the egg ferris wheel have egg carton seats?

  4. Pull up a groove and get fabulous.

  5. Me encantan los huevos y sus historias.
    Continua, por favor.

  6. love the contrast between round eggs and cross hatching. hope you like stats more than algebra!!

  7. Grocery Store Girl Says:

    Great stuff (and amusing commentary). See you soon I’m sure…

  8. Shila Tatiana Says:

    Sweet Eggs!

  9. Video Store Girl Says:

    Seriously Sweet Eggs!

  10. saw “delicateadventures.com” and an egg illustration on someone’s back at a coffee shop today – probably yours. anyway, liked it.

  11. Hello pete, man this eggs are fabulous and every time i look at your creations, they make my day. Anyway, keep up the good work and see you soon.

  12. Brookiepantz Says:

    (snarky villian voice) eggxellent work my friend, eggxellent.

  13. Bruno DeSmartass Says:

    Che uove!!! Beautiful drawings. Very cool. Ciao.

  14. Aaron the Ogre Says:

    Pete, I just nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award. I appreciate each of your blogs and love seeing each new post. You can see my original post here: http://ourprocess.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=1117&action=edit&message=6&postpost=v2.

    Thanks again.

  15. Thanks for following my blog 😀 Your site is great, I love it!

  16. Hi! I really like your blog and I nominated it for a Lovely Blog Award 😀 Please visit http://lestwentytwo.wordpress.com/2012/05/25/the-lovely-blog-award/ for more details.

  17. lornayespeace Says:

    dali was also into eggs. he put a bunch on top his museum in Northern Spain. good choice! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dal%C3%AD_Theatre_and_Museum

  18. […] Neymar, by Delicate Adventures Faz mais ou menos um ano que me tornei fiel seguidor do blog Delicate Adventures. Virei fã das versões de figuras famosas em formato de ovos desenhados por Pete Glanting. Grandes músicos, estadistas, escritores, atores. Ícones do passado e do presente retratados de maneira extremamente original. Norte-americano, além de artista talentoso, Glanting trabalha como escritor e  engenheiro em São Francisco. Mas você deve estar se perguntando, assim como eu no início, por que os desenhos têm formato de ovos? A explicação está lá no blog e não é simples. Cheguei a traduzir para este post, mas perdeu totalmente o charme. Por isso recomendo a leitura original. […]

  19. Some time ago, I am not sure when, But I found a little brown card with a picture of a carton of eggs. On the back a web address. Today I finally saw it for the millionth time it seems, I finally came to this page and what do you know, a shit ton of eggs! How would I send you details on someone I hate? Would love to see what you could do with them in egg form!

  20. It’s interesting that my creative ideas also appeared during class. Although it was english class because math scared me to much.

  21. Garry Bieringer Says:

    Pete, Garry Bieringer, mike’s dad. I love your concept and the art you produce. Ever thought about a ‘Trump Family’ egg???

    • Garry! Good to hear from ye! A Trump family egg series is gross, but I think I owe it to the people. Stay tuned!

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